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Automotive Plastic Product Design

Imagine a world without Plastics! Right from your day begin with Toothbrush in your mouth to the day end with night cream packed in Plastics bottles. Look on the place you sit right now, you will find plastics everywhere. Plastics have touched every field of life including, Home appliances, Computers & Electronics, Automotive, Constructions, mobile & telecom, Consumer Products etc. Plastics play a vital role for Mechanical Engineers, as they are closely related to Consumer & Automotive Product Industries, where plastics have replaced many other materials due to its numerous benefits. Learning Plastics, its Application & Design are the Key to make long term career in industries. This opens a broad number of job opportunities in industries. Digital CAD Training is pioneer in Plastic Technologies and its application. With an experience of more than 12 years in Industries, we provide in depth trainings in Plastic Product Design to Industrial professionals and young Engineers.

Course Syllabus

Benchmarking And Packaging Study
Introdution Moulding Basics
Automotive Materials Selections
Plastic Part Manufacturing Defects And Rectification
Regulations For Plastic Part Design
Mold Gating And Runner Systems
CAE Impacts On Plastic Part After Design
B Surface And Features Design Considerations
Surface Quality Analysis And Feasibility Check
Locator, Boss, Snaps, Clip Towers,Ribs Design
Tooling Direction And Parting Line
Slider And Lifter, Core And Cavity Concepts
Master Section Development And Complete Part Design
2D Drafting For Manufacturing Release
Arai Safety Standards Introduction
Industry Part Modelling Techniques
Validations For Plastic Parts With Internation Standards
Schedule For Part Development And Design Procedure
Post Moulding Processess For Manufacturing Understanding
Project Practice And Doubt Sessions